Bullying Resources

Bullying is more than just a discipline problem for teachers to deal with. It is a social problem for everyone involved, from the bully to the victim to the innocent bystanders. At NIMCO, we want to provide schools with tools to combat bullying of all types. Bullying resources can help reduce the occurrence of bullying behavior in your school. But first, let’s look at why that’s important.

Bullying Negatively Affects Everyone: Resources for Bullying Prevention Can Help

You may think it is just the victims of bullying affected by the act, but in reality, the effects are much more widespread. That’s why our resources for bullying prevention are so important. Who is affected by bullying — and how?

  1. Kids who are bullied in school can develop anxiety and depression, academic problems, health problems and eating disorders, just to name a few. They might become bullies themselves, or worse, retaliate with violence: 12 out of 15 of the high school students who committed school shootings in the 1990s had been bullied themselves.
  2. Students who are mere bystanders and witness bullying are more likely to suffer from depression or anxiety, as well as to have an increased use of drugs, tobacco and alcohol. They are also more likely to have a higher number of absences from school, which can affect their academic performance.
  3. Students who bully other kids are more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse, vandalism of public and private property, fighting and early sexual activity. They are also more likely to drop out of school without graduating. As adults, bullies are more likely to have criminal records and be abusive to their spouse, partner or children.

How Resources for Bullying Prevention Can Help

Bullying can only flourish in an environment where it is allowed to happen. When teachers and other students step in and show that bullying is not acceptable or allowed, it is much less likely to continue. To help create a kinder, more positive and more welcoming environment for all students, we offer a variety of bullying resources for parents and schools. Our anti-bullying products are valuable tools in any school’s campaign to prevent bullying.

Raise awareness of the dangers of bullying with our DVDs and pamphlets, including The Complete Anti Bullying Kit. Many of our DVDs help kids understand issues such as self-esteem, obesity and health, emotional abuse, cyber bullying and more so that they can develop a sense of empathy for other people who are facing different challenges.

Anti-Violence Games and More Are Great Resources for Bullying In Schools

We also offer several games aimed at anti-bullying and violence prevention, including the Bully Free Zone in a Jar, Escape from Anger Island, Kindness Rocks Bingo, the Stand Against Bullying dice game and Social Skills Board Games. These resources for bullying in schools present the important concepts of kindness, respect for yourself and others, and violence prevention in fun ways that help to reinforce the message.

Our bullying resources also help to boost your bullying prevention program and make it more effective. Choose from bracelets, whistles, dog tag necklaces, water bottles, stickers, pencils, lanyards and much more. These affordable violence prevention products offer an easy way to help you create an atmosphere of kindness and respect. Many of our bullying prevention products are also customizable.

With the help of NIMCO’s anti-bullying products, you can teach your students the important lesson that bullying isn’t just about respecting others — it’s also about respecting yourself. Shop with us today for promotional products that help you to make your school a kinder place.

Discover the Difference NIMCO Bullying Resources Can Make

Please visit our retail site where you can explore many different bullying resources, including videos, DVDs, books, pamphlets and more. We also offer a wide range of tobacco prevention products to help make your schools a better, safer place. If you have any questions, contact us today to find out more.

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