Backpacks (Predesigned Templates)
Hand Sanitizers (Predesigned Templates)
Popup Phone Grippers (Predesigned Templates)
Rack Cards
Shirts (Predesigned Templates)
Anti-Bullying Promotional Products
Bullying is a behavior that cannot be tolerated. What is the first line of defense in anti-bullying? Prevention. If you can teach children the importance of standing up for one another, you can promote anti-bullying behavior.
To reinforce this message, institutions like schools, police departments and community centers distribute anti-bullying merchandise. From pamphlets to posters, backpacks to software, NIMCO has anti-bullying promotional products that serve as continual reminders to be kind, considerate and supportive of others.
Now’s the time to plan a strategy for your anti-bullying campaign. Browse our selection today or submit a catalog request to have a list of bullying prevention promotional items mailed to you.
Frequently Asked Questions About Anti-Bullying Merchandise
Here are some of the most common questions we’ve gotten about our anti-bullying merchandise. (You’ll find answers about NIMCO shipping and services on our FAQ page.)
What Is Bullying?
There are specific behaviors that define bullying. If a child is the target of these actions, they are a victim of bullying:
- Repetitive: The bully picks on the same person again and again.
- Intentional: Bullying is not accidental – a bully hurts the victim on purpose.
- Manipulative: The bully uses their power to manipulate their victim because of a disparity in age, size or popularity.
Recognizing these behaviors among your student population is a good indication of the need to spread an anti-bullying message.
Do You Have Anti-Bullying Merchandise for Cyberbullying?
When kids are bullied online – usually on a social media site – it’s called “cyberbullying.” It’s much easier to pick on someone when you can do it anonymously. It’s essential to make people aware that bullying someone online is just as hurtful as doing it in person. At NIMCO, we have DVDs, printed materials and other anti-bullying merchandise that specifically addresses the problem of cyberbullying.
Which Month Is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month?
October has been designed as the month for prevention awareness, but bullying is a problem that needs to be addressed every day. You don’t need to wait to talk to kids about standing up for their classmates. And you don’t have to put off ordering anti-bullying merchandise that supports this cause.
NIMCO Has all the Anti-Bullying Promotional Products You Need
Before planning your next rally or anti-bullying campaign, make sure you stock up on bullying prevention promotional items from NIMCO. Everyone loves to get free stuff, and anti-bullying merchandise is a great way to remind everyone to work together toward achieving a safe, bully-free space to be proud of. You’ll find a variety of materials in age-appropriate formats that speak to kids of all ages – and young adults, too. Choose from t-shirts, games, curriculum and so much more. Order your anti-bullying promotional products today!