Wake your students up about Meth during Red Ribbon Week with Life Stolen Methamphetamine Addiction DVD
Over five million Americans have tried, or are using, Methamphetamine. Meth is highly addictive. 1 in 10 will become addicted after the VERY FIRST USE. This program features recovering meth users, a circuit court judge, and a county sheriff. They discuss the many different phases a Meth user goes through, and the devastation that Meth will leave behind. There are many different reasons people turn to meth: problems at home, mental or physical abuse, wanting to fit in, and many more. What you don't know until it is too late, is that Meth only takes away your pain for a short time, and leaves you more pain than you ever had in the beginning. Meth is a dangerous drug that will cause you to lose everything – family, friends, material possessions, but most of all, your morals – and leave you in jail or dead. Do you want your Life Stolen? Because that is exactly what Methamphetamine will do! 28 min. Video or DVD. Grades 6-Adult
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