Second-Hand Smoke: Just Say kNOw DVDÂ is a great Tobacco Prevention program for Great American Smoke-Out or Red Ribbon Week
Second-hand smoke causes lung disease and other serious respiratory infections. Why? Because in young children their lungs are still developing. They need a healthy environment to grow in…that means fresh air to breathe. Young people are exposed to second-hand smoke every day unaware of the short and long-term effects of such cumulative exposure such as being exposed to toxic air. Second-hand smoke causes chronic earaches, bronchitis, and even pneumonia. Dr. Tracey Wallace, F.P. gives up-to-date facts, giving a stronger understanding of how dangerous second-hand smoke is to our health and teaches polite ways to escape from it. Teaches how to ask others not to smoke in your presence. The more you KNOW, the more likely you are to ask, “Please, keep your smoke away from me”. 10 min DVD with Presenter’s Resource Guidebook. Grades 5-9
Part of the Just Say kNOw 3 DVD Series (NIM-162-13-15DV) Click Here
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