Anti-Vaping Bracelets & Anti-Smoking Wristbands
Bluetooth Speakers
Bubble Baubles
Coloring & Activity Books
Anti-Vaping & Tobacco Prevention Promotional Cups
Data Journals
Dog Tags
Fidget Toys
Fuzzy Friends
Anti-Vaping Tobacco Prevention Promotional Lanyards
Lip Balm
Nutty Putty
Pencil Grippers
Pencil Sharpeners
Pencils- Anti-Vaping & Tobacco Prevention Promotional
Pens - Tobacco Prevention & Anti-Vaping Promotional
Photo Booth Accessories
Popup Phone Grippers
Slide Guides
Stress Control Cards
Stress Relievers
Tearpads and Handouts
Toothpick Holders
Water Bottles
Say Nope to Smoke with Tobacco Prevention Promotional Items
Approach tobacco prevention in a fun and engaging way with tobacco prevention promotional products from NIMCO. Here at NIMCO, we handle campaigns of all types, but none are as close to our hearts as keeping tobacco out of schools and communities. For years, the world has known about the dangers of tobacco use. Yet children and teens are still constantly exposed to their harmful effects through television, movies and peer pressure.
Now, you can teach them to say nope to the smoke with tobacco prevention promotionals that spread the message of how great a tobacco-free life can be.
Browse our catalog to see that we offer both educational materials to help teach children about the dangers associated with smoking, as well as fun and engaging items that help spread a positive message to those who need to hear it the most. Check out our entire selection today, and start helping those in your community make the right choices for a better, tobacco-free life.
Frequently Asked Questions About Tobacco Prevention Promotional Products
Have any questions about our tobacco prevention promotional products? Here are some answers to just some of our most commonly asked questions.
Do You Carry Anti-Vaping Promotional Items?
Tobacco isn’t the only thing parents have to worry about anymore regarding nicotine addiction. Vaping has become the new craze with technology in the mix of things, especially with teens and young adults.
Vaping is just as harmful as tobacco use, even if the big vape companies try to tell you it’s not. Thankfully, we have a whole line of vaping prevention promotional items to help. Vaping prevention promotionals are just like our tobacco prevention promotional items. You’ll be able to educate and engage children and teens to teach them that the only way to stay safe from vapes is just to say no.
Anti-vaping promotional products are a way to get ahead of the vaping epidemic that’s happening in the nation — be sure to give them a look and help squash the myth that vaping isn’t harmful.
Can I Buy Tobacco & Vaping Prevention Promotionals In Bulk?
Whether you require tobacco prevention promotionals to help your community know the dangers of cigarettes or anti-vaping promotionals to teach the dangers of e-juice, NIMCO offers all its products in single and bulk orders. Bulk orders are the perfect way to educate large groups all at once, and with our mission to keep communities safe, we’re happy to provide you with everything you need. When you bulk order our vape and tobacco prevention promotional products, you’ll be able to supply whole schools or neighborhoods with a powerful message. Not to mention, we’ll make sure you get a great deal.
Are Tobacco & Vaping Prevention Promotional Products Suitable for All Ages?
It’s never too early to start teaching your children the dangers of tobacco and vaping. That’s why our anti-tobacco and anti-vaping promotionals are suitable for children, teens and adults alike. We’ve got specialized products to engage children and teach them morals in fun and silly ways. Then once they’re older, you can get into the more detailed educational tobacco prevention items that will keep them on the right path. No matter where a person is in life, anti-tobacco and anti-vaping promotional products from NIMCO can help spread a positive and engaging message.
Shop NIMCO for Tobacco & Vaping Prevention Promotional Items
Tobacco and vaping use among young adults is strikingly high today. Let’s stop the cycle with anti-vaping and tobacco prevention promotional items that help everyone see the right path. View our entire selection today, and start educating your community for a brighter, smoke-free future. Tobacco prevention isn’t our only cause. Check out our complete selection of special event campaigns to see if you want to educate your community about other problems we all face. And, if you have any questions about our products, feel free to check out our FAQ page for more information. You can also contact us directly to learn more. We’re always happy to help.