Students examine their own blood for a closer examination of the clotting process • In this activity your students: • Discover their own clotting times by studying coagulation rates and bleeding times • Observe the formation of fibrin threads in clotting • Study the effects of calcium on blood clotting Individualized worksheets with individualized sterile components make this a highly motivational lab activity as students have an opportunity to learn more about themselves • MICROSCOPES ARE NEEDED • Contents QTY Description •50 microscope slides •50 capillary tubes •50 sterile disposable blood lancets •50 pre-saturated alcohol pads •50 red mixing spatulas •1 pkg absorbent pape •1 drop controlled btl Calcium carbonate solution •1 drop controlled btl Saline-citrate solution •50 Student Worksheets and Guides •1 Instruction Manual with MSDS • Complete for 50 student
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