Drowsy and distracted driving claims thousands of lives every year, largely because people do not believe they are driving impaired. Fatal Vision® Drowsy Distracted Goggles provide wearers with an experience of impairment from drowsiness or distraction while driving. The purpose of these goggles is to make people aware of their choice of activities while driving, and of the potential consequences of those choices.
Show your participants the results of drowsy or distracted driving with our Program Kit. Use the course tape, stop/go paddle, portable steering wheel, which can be used to “drive” while wearing the goggles to set up activities such as “Drive-In Your Lane,” “Take The Next Exit,” “Navigate A Street To Get Home,” and “Watch Out For Brake Lights.”
Program Kit Includes:
Fatal Vision Drowsy and Distracted Goggles with hard carrying case.
Germicidal disposable wipes
Stop/go paddle, arrow paddle, flex flyer steering wheel, course tape, timer, backpack, and in-app educational materials that include: six instructional videos, activity and user guides
Distract-A-Match® Game
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