Juling and Vaping:What the latest Research Reveals DVD

As low as $149.95

Discusses the dangers of vaping and dangers of juling *The CDC reports that in 2018 more than 3 million teenagers are currently vaping and that number is climbing exponentially * Nicotine addiction, exposure to known carcinogens, and substituting cigarettes when they can’t vape, means that an entire generation of teens is at risk * There is a huge gap in understanding the true effects of vaping on short and long-term health * Juul, a single brand of flavored vape, dominates the market with a 63% share of the multi-billion dollar vape market * Teens today refer to vaping as “juuling.” It has become cool, accessible, and a very big problem * Teens need guidance on how to kick the habit if they already vape and need to understand why vaping is so dangerous..video, plus teacher’s resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format * DVD contains Spanish subtitle * 22 mins.


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